dimecres, 6 d’octubre del 2010



In 14th of February 1993, was the first time that Barcelona was invaded by a group of very special birds: parrots. They live on the trees of the center of Barcelona, and they fed by the rubbish that we produced.

All started, when a man frees his pets (parrots) and they managed adapted tot live in the big city.

Now, in Barcelona lives pigeons and parrots, and they compete for the food.

But Barcelona isn't the only city that has these special birds, New York and Argentina, have parrots too.

diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2009

Story of a painting

The story is about a cock who is shouting for get up everybody. The cock it has got many colours on his skin and has got a big beak.
It stays in the mountain, near the farmyard and the temperature it’s hot and sunny.
Now it’s shouting because its 7 o’clock in the morning. It’s walking and he is taking a stroll. Before, the cock was sleeping in her farmyard and was dreaming that it could fly, and it flew around the mountain. Later it’s going to eat feed with the hens and sleep an other time.
The painting is called 'Le coq' and it's of Miro

dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2009

dimecres, 23 de setembre del 2009

Summer in two sides

Last summer I went to Italy on June, and in Paris on September. The two travels were magnific. The first I do it with school, for the travel of the end of the year and the second I do it with my family.

In Italy I saw many cities like Pàduva, Pisa, Florencia, but the best was Venècia.
Paris was incredible too. The most beautifull monument was the Eiffel Tower. I imagined bigger. Like there was a lot of queue for rising with elevator I up for the stairs and I finished very tired. But the eyesight was amazing!

This summer was wonderful!!!